Fix our highways now!

The pothole crisis is deepening. Pavements are unusable. Gullies are blocked.

Does this sound like your local community?

We believe that providing a safe and accessible highways network for all residents should be a priority in Cheshire West and Chester. That’s why in recent years, local Conservative councillors have tried to inject:

  • £2 million into the core highways maintenance budget
  • £460,000 into the gully cleansing budget
  • £200,000 to improve pavement safety
  • £65,000 to invest in our network of ‘public rights of way’

Labour councillors said NO and STOPPED every single one of these proposals.

Please sign our petition today, urging Labour-run Cheshire West and Chester Council (CWaC) to:

  • Improve response times and the quality of road repairs on the existing network
  • Prioritise the repair and maintenance of footpaths and invest in our public right of way network
  • Increase the frequency of gully cleansing and the quality of mowing in green spaces
  • Be proactive and not reactive to reduce costs and the need for road closures
  • Ensure the full use of its full allocated highways budget - £1.3 million wasn’t spent last year!

Neglecting our roads, pavements, verges and gullies is creating problems for the future, with more deteriorating roads and increased flooding that have far-reaching consequences for our cars, properties and the safety of our neighbours and communities.

The Cheshire West and Chester highways network is vital for our daily lives. Regular maintenance is essential for the safe passage of emergency vehicles, school buses, daily commuting, business deliveries and access to healthcare.

The consequences of not doing this should be clear to everyone - except, apparently, the Labour councillors in charge of CWaC. We are all paying the price in longer journey times, vehicle repair costs and higher bills, the council taxpayer, when the maintenance has to be done eventually.

Sign our petition NOW to urge the local authority to deliver highways improvements across the borough immediately.

Fix our highways now!

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Yes, I support the Cheshire West and Chester Conservatives' campaign for improvements to our highways network.
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